Bipolar Depression is a difficult disorder to live with. I was once in your shoes and I know it can be hell on earth. You feel like you are going crazy and the world is ending. I used to joke with my best friend "I wonder if Jesus could read minds? He must have been a genius as well as bipolar."

The symptoms of bipolar depression are the opposite of my joke. And they are even more frightening than your average mood swings in general. The first type of depressive condition is WILD IDEASTY, and this type of depression calls the second type of depression depressive ANGER & DEPRESSED DEATH. Those with bipolar usually experience both, but usually receive little help for the second especially since helping someone with this type of mood disorder is almost like speaking to a very angry snake.
If you have bipolar depression, then you may seem to be constantly feeling extremely sad, helpless, overwhelmed, hopeless, depressed, irritable, and worthless. You may think all the time and nothing will ever be right for you again. You and your loved ones may suffer greatly from this cycle. Your loved one may seem like they do not care about you anymore and may seem to have no feelings at all about the fact that you are suffering.
This type of bipolar depression is very serious and very hard to treat. It usually takes at least a year before the manic phase ends and someone begins to feel back to normal again. When the cycles between the two extremes happen regularly, it is known as an anxiety disorder. One in every four people suffer from some form of anxiety disorder at some point in their life, including bipolar depression. If you or someone you know has this type of mental illness, there are ways to treat it so it doesn't come back.
Bipolar depression symptoms include the same things that are associated with hypomania. However, they are usually more severe and the cause is unknown. In addition, when you have these symptoms, you may feel as though you are racing thoughts that never seem to cease. Other symptoms of hypomania include rapid speech and hyperactivity. People with hypomanic episodes often find themselves arguing and talking at top volume for no apparent reason.
When you have symptoms of bipolar disorder, you will also experience mood swings. For instance, if you are experiencing a manic episode, you might feel so elated that you'll do things out of character for no apparent reason. On the other hand, if you are suffering from a depressive episode, you may feel like you are going to die and that nothing will ever make you happy again.
When you combine the symptoms of bipolar depression and bipolar disorder, you get a condition known as bipolar-disorder. The most common symptoms of this condition include irritability, restlessness, fatigue, sudden change in mood and extreme optimism about the future. Other symptoms include insomnia, hallucinations and delusions. The severity of this condition is based on the severity of each individual episode. The good news is that those who suffer from this disorder can find treatment that works for them.
When you combine symptoms of bipolar disorder and depression, you have a very high risk of suicide. Research has shown that suicide rates for those with bipolar disorders are much higher than the general rate for people with the disorder. Symptoms of bipolar disorder and depression combined are also associated with a higher rate of suicide attempts. As you can see, when you have the symptoms of bipolar disorder along with depression, you put yourself in a very dangerous situation. It is imperative that you seek treatment immediately to ensure that you or someone you love does not end up in such a dangerous position.
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