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Coping With Postpartum Depression

It is very common for pregnant women to feel down, depressed, anxious, restless, lonely, exhausted or just plain tired after their baby was born. However, out of all women, some women up to 1 in 10, experience a more serious condition known as postpartum depression after their newborn is born. This condition can have extremely serious emotional and physical effects on women. Women experiencing postpartum depression feel like they are losing their mind. They also feel like they are losing control of themselves and are constantly afraid that they are going crazy.

postpartum depression

Some symptoms of postpartum depression are feelings of hopelessness, deep sadness and constant worry about losing your baby. However, these symptoms can also be signs of severe depression which require serious treatment. If left untreated, postpartum depression can worsen to the point where it interferes with your physical health and even becomes life threatening. There are a few different symptoms that women who suffer from this severe mental health condition experience. Below are some of the most severe ones:

Physical Symptoms- Any woman who has suffered through giving birth will tell you that getting your uterus swollen for several days after the birth can leave you feeling fatigued. However, it can also lead you to developing some severe feelings of depression which may include irritability, anxiety, dizziness, trouble sleeping, hot flashes and headaches. The blues are another symptom that you might experience when you are nursing. Many women say that the blues are one of the hardest parts of being pregnant, which makes the chance of developing postpartum depression even higher.

Psychological Symptoms- Your mental state can affect your moods in very distinct ways depending on your personal circumstances. For example, if you were raised in a family where there is an ongoing debate about gender roles, you are likely to have strong opinions about how your body should be configured. This can have an impact on your depression during pregnancy. The same goes if you were abused as a child or were married in a household where there was a great deal of violence. You have probably learned to handle these types of issues by yourself in the past but may find that it is hard to move on. If you have had a history of domestic abuse or an abusive marriage, you are more likely to suffer from postpartum depression later in life.

Emotional Symptoms- There are also physical changes that occur during the postpartum period, including nausea, fatigue, changes in bowel habits, headaches, a feeling of paranoia and more. These often go hand in hand with the blues because many women never completely get over the loss of their baby and the intense feeling of loss when they go away for the first time. The postpartum blues are one of the most difficult aspects of parenthood and can make going back to work and having a normal social life nearly impossible. Many women report that once they have let go of their worries and fears about the blues, they find that they actually enjoy being a mom because they no longer feel so alone and out of place.

Behavioral Changes- There are also behavioral changes that occur when a new mom is depressed. New moms are often very tired and begin to experience fatigue just from taking care of their babies. They also tend to sleep more than they did before they had their babies. Since sleep is one of the symptoms of depression, this can lead to a further depression or anxiety. It is important to keep a daily journal so that you can document these feelings and behaviors so that you can recognize them when they arise.

Diagnosis- Now that you know the symptoms and the changes that take place during postpartum depression, you can decide if you need help from a doctor. There are two types of depression that can affect new moms. The first is reactive depression, also referred to as bipolar disorder. This is usually diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy when the woman is experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms and is experiencing an elevated level of anxiety and/or bipolar disorder.

The second type of depression that can affect pregnant women is manic depression. This occurs when the mother is not feeling well, but does not show it to her husband or others. Manic episodes can last for several weeks or months and are caused by hormonal imbalances caused by the pregnancy. It is important that you seek treatment for bipolar disorder right away to avoid any dangerous mood swings that can endanger your baby. You should also see your health care provider if you experience any suicidal thoughts or actions. The earlier you seek treatment, the easier it will be to get your depression under control and your baby can stay happy and healthy.


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