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Bipolar Depression Symptoms

Bipolar depression has many different symptoms that you should be aware of if you or someone you know may be suffering from it. The symptoms of bipolar depression are very much like those of major depression, which is why people often mistake them for each other. The first type of depression is WILD DEPRESSIONS, which are also known as chronic depression, and this is usually experienced by people who are bipolar and haven't had it treated yet. People with bipolar usually experience both, but very rarely get treatment for the second type because treating someone with this kind of depression is almost like talking to a very angry snake.

symptoms of bipolar depression

The symptoms of bipolar disorder include a wide range of emotions and mental problems, which can range anywhere from feeling sad or overwhelmed to feeling like they are just going crazy or even having an impulse to commit suicide. In some cases the suicide attempts may actually work and they may even kill themselves. When this happens, the person becomes convinced that they are not going crazy and that they can handle everything. However, it is always recommended that you seek help before you decide to take your life. If you are having suicidal thoughts and truly believe that you would not survive unless you do suicide things must be taken care of right away. Even if you just think about it, you need to consult a doctor immediately.

One of the most common symptoms of bipolar disorder is a change in moods, which can be anything from extremely happy to extremely sad, and everything in between. This can happen even when the person isn't depressed or not bipolar. As strange as it might sound, some people just feel extremely happy one minute and horribly depressed the next. The reason for this change of moods is due to the imbalance caused by the disorder.

When a person has mood swings they often have problems with self-esteem and they tend to have problems sleeping at night. This is one of the most frustrating symptoms of bipolar depression. Someone with this disorder often feels depressed, but then they feel even worse when they are happy. When you start to see this symptom, it is important to talk to someone about getting help, because the level of happiness that these individuals experience is usually different than normal.

Another of the symptoms of bipolar depression is the feeling of general anxiety, which can be very crippling to the overall mental health of the individual. Many times when this starts the individual will have irrational fears of things such as family or work issues. They will often get upset and feel extremely fearful, because their emotions are out of control.

Many times the symptoms of bipolar disorder may be related to the patient's ability to make logical decisions. The disorder can have a major impact on the person's ability to remain productive and successful in life. Often people with this mental illness are not able to make logical decisions, which means they will get very frustrated and they will have a series of negative thoughts going through their mind. Some of these thoughts will include things like "I should have just quit my job so I won't have to deal with this anymore" or "I wish I was dead so I wouldn't have to deal with all of these people".

Some of the symptoms of bipolar ii disorder are basically the same as symptoms of major depression and anxiety. Some people may actually feel sadness when they are sad, whereas some people may feel mixed emotions such as guilt or sadness while feeling energized. It is important to remember that a person with hypomania is not necessarily always manic. There are many different types of hypomania.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms of bipolar depression, you need to contact a professional who can assist you in getting treatment. There are many different types of treatment available for bipolar depression, but in most cases it is necessary for a person to deal with some of the symptoms in order for them to become better. Remember that there are treatment options out there; it is important for you to know what your symptoms are so you can be able to find a treatment that can work for you.


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